Every year in the United States more than two thousand teens are being killed while over 200.000 were injured (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS). According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, the car accident rate is three times higher for teens than among drivers over 20 years old. This makes car accidents the leading cause of death among the youth population ranging in ages 15 to 20.
The main reason for such outcomes is the inability of teenagers to properly assess the real driving conditions. The concern rises when alcohol, drugs, and other psychoactive substances are used. It seems that so-called “smart rules” including the prohibition of alcohol and cell phone usage accompanied by the legal provisions banning more than one passenger, nighttime driving, and wearing a seatbelt are not decreasing the dangers of irresponsible teenage drivers. This not only endangers teen drivers but also the passengers traveling with them and other drivers on the road.
Who Must Pay
Apart from possible casualties and injured victims, these accidents are causing serious legal and financial issues for everyone. A common question is who feels the brunt of the consequences associated with teen car accidents. The answer is the parents. They have to take on the financial burden of car accidents that result in property damage or personal injury. If the accident calls for the expertise of a Los Angeles motor vehicle crash lawyer the financial burden may seem never-ending. This does not have to be the case, attorneys will work to diminish the compensation owed by the parent from out of pocket expenses.
According to the legal provisions of the State of California, the teen drivers’ parents are responsible for covering any damage or paying a fine in the case of an accident. This obligation comes from the parent-teen driver contract which is signed by both sides.
Since the damages incurred by a car accident can be extremely high, overreaching the personal annual income, it is very important to address this problem. If you or someone you know happen to be a victim of an accident caused by a teenage driver it is important to contact a Los Angeles motor vehicle accident attorney.
The Law Offices of Howard Kornberg Can Help
Many car accident victims often suffer from life-altering injuries that can require years and years of treatment. Los Angeles car collision lawyer Howard Craig Kornberg understands the plight facing his clients. He and his legal team utilize an aggressive and comprehensive approach to help protect the rights of each client. He is always looking after his clients’ best interests. If you or someone you know has been injured in a car accident due to the negligence of others including a teenage driver, contact us and schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your case. We will review all the details of the accident and guide you as to the correct plan of action.