A serious injury can impact your life in a variety of ways. The financial effects of an unexpected injury will certainly cause a degree of struggle. Depending on the severity of your injury, it might also leave you facing a range of personal difficulties.
Hopefully, this will never happen to you, but if you sustain a serious injury and you have reason to believe the accident which caused your injury was the result of someone’s carelessness, our Inglewood serious injury attorneys at the Law Offices of Howard Kornberg are on hand to review your case and provide legal representation if you have grounds to seek compensation from a liable party.
Types of Serious Injuries
“Serious injury” is a relatively vague and general term that can actually apply to numerous types of injuries. Examples include the following:
- Head injuries, particularly those that result in brain injury
- Severe neck and/or back injuries
- Internal bleeding
- Organ damage
- Fractured or crushed skull
- Broken or fractured bones or joints
- Torn ligaments
- Torn tendons
- Brain injuries
- Nerve damage
These types of injuries virtually always require costly medical treatment. They also tend to negatively impact one’s ability to return to work. The potential impact such injuries can have on one’s employability may be permanent.
Serious injuries may affect a victim’s quality of life. For example, a serious injury victim could require ongoing care. They may be unable to attend to their own needs, and will likely be unable to support those who may have previously relied on them.
Additionally, they might be left to cope with pain and suffering, depression, loss of enjoyment of life, and various other non-economic damages. The victim deserves compensation if their injuries result from the negligence of another party. An Inglewood serious injury attorney can help them seek the compensation for which they may be eligible.
Inglewood Serious Injury Cases
Certain types of accidents are more likely to cause serious injury to those involved than others. They include:
Falling accidents account for a very large proportion of hospital visits in the United States. Although falls from heights can certainly put victims at risk of being seriously injured, even a slip and fall accident can cause broken bones, head trauma, and more.
Motor vehicle accidents
Motor vehicle accidents involve high rates of speed and heavy objects. These are key factors that, when combined, increase the chances of those involved in an accident sustaining serious injuries.
Pedestrian accidents, motorcycle accidents, & bicycle accidents
Again, motor vehicle accidents can absolutely cause serious injury, and often do. However, inside an enclosed vehicle, victims have some protection in the form of a metal frame, a seatbelt, airbags, and other such protective features. Because pedestrians, bicyclists, motorcycle riders, and certain others (such as scooter riders) don’t have such protection, they tend to sustain particularly severe injuries when accidents occur.
Workplace accidents
Depending on the nature of one’s work, an accident in the workplace can cause significant harm.
Contact an Inglewood Serious Injury Attorney Today
It is impossible to calculate the degree to which a serious injury can affect your life. However, if your injury resulted from another party’s negligence or it was the result of a work-related accident, you can at least seek compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and even non-economic damages in pain and suffering, inconvenience, PTSD, and loss of enjoyment of life. An Inglewood serious injury attorney at the Law Offices of Howard Kornberg can help you pursue what you may be owed. Learn more by contacting us online or calling us at 310-997-0904 to schedule your free consultation.