![Product Liability Product Liability](https://kornberglawfirm.com/wp-content/uploads/Riverside-Product-Liability.png)
Literally millions of products enter the marketplace every day. And while you certainly expect – and hope – that every product passes safety tests and is completely safe for use, many of those products pose a serious threat.
In some cases, you may sustain minor injuries, while other cases may make you disfigured and disabled for the rest of your life.
While U.S. watchdogs do their best to inspect all products intended for consumer use, using some products nowadays can result in terrible injuries, loss of limbs, and even wrongful death… even when handled by the most cautious user!
Here’s the thing, our product liability lawyer Howard Craig Kornberg says, even the tiniest defect in a product may turn it into a deadly piece of equipment or tool.
How to prove product liability and seek compensation?
Under federal and state laws in California, four elements of a product liability claim must be proven in order to obtain compensation for your damages and injuries:
- The parties that you are suing manufactured, designed, assembled, distributed, or sold the product
- The defective product was faulty when it left the possession of the manufacturer or retailer
- You used the product in a reasonably foreseeable manner
- You sustained injuries and damages when using the product
Proving these four elements may be challenging, as people without law degrees have no idea how to present evidence in a way that would resonate with judges and juries who’d be reviewing your product liability claim.
Luckily for you, our product liability attorneys at the Law Offices of Howard Kornberg know all the hidden pitfalls and shortcuts to prove the four elements of a product liability claim and obtain maximum monetary compensation on your behalf.
Who can be held liable for product liability?
Every party that took part in the chain of distribution of the defective product may be held liable for product liability:
- The main manufacturer (the company that makes the product)
- Several smaller manufacturers supply the main manufacturer with components and parts
- Parties responsible for the assembly and installment of the product
- Wholesaler
- A retail store that sold the product in question
Under product liability laws in Riverside, all of the above-mentioned parties taking part in the manufacturing and distribution chain are strictly liable for injuries and damages caused by a faulty product.
In a claim seeking compensation for damages and injuries, your defective product lawyer can help impose strict liability in case of finding manufacturing defects, design defects, or proving that the product came with inadequate warning and instructions.
How to file a product liability claim in Riverside?
Whether the parties were negligent, reckless, or caused harm intentionally (which is rarely the case in product liability claims), manufacturers can be held liable for your injuries just as much as for failing to take precautions to prevent accidents.
Under federal and state laws in Riverside, businesses, and individuals who make products are required to inspect their products and pass them through safety tests before putting them on the market.
In case any dangers are detected during the tests, the company must either eliminate or minimize the risks, and issue adequate warnings about the risks of using or misusing the product.
Only with the help of a Riverside product liability attorney you can prove that the way you used the product that caused damages and injuries was reasonably foreseeable (the element that confuses many consumers trying to obtain compensation).
Our experienced product liability attorney Howard Craig Kornberg, whose law firm is based in California, has zero tolerance for manufacturers that make defective products, equipment, and tools.
Contact the Law Offices of Howard Kornberg, which takes an aggressive approach when handling product liability cases to hold manufacturers, distributors, and stores liable for your injuries and damages, to get a free initial consultation.