Vehicle collisions may not be one of your top worries in life, but what if it were possible to minimize your risk? Although there’s no such thing as a sure bet, choices as simple as restricting when and where you drive might improve your odds. When it comes to navigating the streets of Los Angeles unharmed, there are a few factors you ought to bear in mind.
Certain times are more dangerous than others
Think you’ll ever be safe driving in SoCal? Perhaps you should just try picking a different day for your commute.
USC Annenberg research reveals that, when it comes to car accidents, Friday is the most hazardous day to be out and about in LA. Your boss probably won’t appreciate you wanting to take more long weekends, but you can certainly make a case for how you’ll serve the company’s interests far better if you’re staying off the roads – and therefore reducing your risk of getting into wrecks. Requesting more Fridays off might be worth the effort.
Don’t think your employer will go for a more liberal attendance policy? Shifting your work hours around might be enough. With the same USC study showing that the hours between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. are peak car collision times, you’ll definitely want to consider rescheduling. At the very least, your company probably won’t take issue with you wanting to stay at work later than usual.
Be careful where you travel
LA has a higher rate of traffic collisions than most parts of the nation, and some parts of the city are deadlier than others. These accident hotspots can be related to poor urban planning, rush-hour congestion, subpar road maintenance, and countless other factors.
For instance, the Five is known for twists and bends that regularly claim the lives of drivers and passengers. Other freeways, like I-15 and I-10, are straighter, but motorists still get into trouble because of how fast they travel.
Freeways aren’t the only danger zones. California is among the top 20 states in terms of pedestrian traffic fatalities. With such a concentrated population, any areas where people have to cross streets, walk without sidewalks or ride bicycles near cars are prime collision zones.
Road safety isn’t just for motorists: In LA, you need to take precautions no matter who you are.